Robert Kennedy’s 1968 Speech about Martin Luther King

  Historian Ray Boomhower joins us to analyze the famous speech given by RFK in Indianapolis, on hearing about the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968. It’s one of the most famous and touching speeches in modern American history, and is usually credited with keeping Indianapolis calm in the wake of that horrible tragedy.…

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The Unknown Martin Luther King

  Martin Luther King did so much more for American society, and wanted so much more from the US government and US elite, than most people realize. Popular history has airbrushed out far too much about his life and work. Professor Phil Nash reminds us of the importance of King’s work, especially during the forgotten…

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The Many Myths about Rosa Parks

The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks Jeanne Theoharis

“The Only Tired I was, was Tired of Giving In” The general story we’re all taught about Rosa Parks was that she was a meek and mild housewife who refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus in 1950s Alabama because she was just tired after a long day at work. She was…

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