Collecting Historical Evidence,

Busting Myths,

Taking Names.

Collecting Historical Evidence, Busting Myths, & Taking Names.

The Professor Buzzkill podcast is a weekly romp through some of the history myths that are most deeply embedded in our culture.

Latest Episodes

Julia Ward Howe: a Biographical Discussion with Professor Elaine Showalter

October 22, 2024

Julia Ward Howe led one of the most significant lives in US history. She was a poet, feminist, political reformer, champion of international pacifism, and much more. Dr. Elaine Showalter joins us to discuss Julia Ward Howe’s life, and the various civil wars she witnessed and had to fight. From composing “The Battle Hymn of…

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Julia Ward Howe and “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” Week: Intro Episode

October 21, 2024

We’re doing something entirely different this week. A whole week of shows dedicated to Julia Ward Howe and “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” As many of you may know, Julia Ward Howe was the author of the poem that became the most famous song of the American Civil War era, and perhaps the most…

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Justice in Kelly Country: Laws and Outlaws in 19th Century Australia

October 15, 2024

Ned Kelly is Australia’s most famous outlaw. A mix of frontier bandit, murderer, and gang leader, Kelly has gone down in Australian lore as an anti-establishment hero. Dr. Lachlan Strahan tells the story of his great-great-grandfather, Anthony Strahan, who was one of the Australian policemen who helped hunt down Ned Kelly. Listen to this fascinating…

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Code Name Puritan: Norman Holmes Pearson, Super Spy Professor

October 8, 2024

Norman Holmes Pearson actually did what a great many professors dream about doing. He was an expert in his field, but he also worked as an Intelligence Officer for the US military during World War II and the Cold War. And he wasn’t a desk jockey, but an active spy. Despite a major physical disability,…

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Understanding the Cuban Missile Crisis: 2024 Encore

October 5, 2024

Buzzkill Genius Dr. Philip Nash brings us a fabulous (and very relevant) show on the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. There’s so much more to those events than the standard “eye-ball-to-eye-ball” story would have us believe. Among many other things, we learn why the Cold War was so cold. You’ll understand so much more after…

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Why Was World Was II So Bad? 2024 Encore

October 4, 2024

All wars are bad. But why was World War II so extreme? Coming less than 20 years after World War I (the most extreme war up until that time), the Second World War’s death toll is _conservatively_ calculated at 60 million people. And some estimates are higher than that. Professor Phil Nash joins us to…

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Meet Your Host

Professor Buzzkill

Historian for the Public

In real life, “Professor Buzzkill” is Dr. Joseph Coohill, a historian of Britain and Ireland. Coohill’s first experience with the audio realm occurred while studying modern history at Oxford. He hosted “The History Show” on Oxford Student radio, which lasted almost four episodes; “The History Show” was an instant failure and Coohill feels shame.

Yet, the spark of enthusiasm for history and the desire to inform remained, and the Professor Buzzkill podcast was born. Coohill works tirelessly to explain complicated yet compelling historical analysis to diverse audiences. By explaining how misunderstanding history hurts public discourse and policy decisions, he offers clear and concise solutions to such problems, using examples from history.

A Word from Our Listeners

Great history podcast!

Love the detail and complexity that the host goes into–so many popular history podcasts flatten the past for an easy story but this one shows that the reality is always more interesting.

—Mr.Gal, Submitted via Apple Podcasts

I'm hooked!

Great mix of historical facts and pop culture. Prof Buzzkill delivers a well-paced informative podcast.

—sixfloors, Submitted via Apple Podcasts

It's that good.

It’s not everyday you come across a podcast that has great information that you can relate to from someone who is so passionate about sharing it with the world. So glad to have discovered Professor Buzzkill and to learn a little bit more of something I didn’t really know a lot about.

—Dependent_Nick, Submitted via Apple Podcasts

Won’t kill your buzz, history lovers!

This is a really fun podcast with a fresh take on history. Produced and researched by professional historians with a sense of humor, the podcast takes on subjects all over the historical map. The only point of commonality is a goal to bust popular preconceived myths about the subject. Making the podcast even more lively is the format, which takes the form of a freeform conversation among several people instead of a monologue or lecture. Recommend!

—FrenchTurk, Submitted via Apple Podcasts


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