1919: a Year in the Life of the United States
|November 13, 2019|Comments Off on 1919: a Year in the Life of the United States
1919 was one of the most tumultuous years in American history. Economic struggles, labor unrest, the Red Scare, anarchist bombings, and race riots plagued the country. 1919 saw the end of the Progressive Era, the beginning of anti-immigration laws, an attempt to “return to normalcy,” and the approach of the much-heralded “Roaring 20s.” But is 1919 so easily defined by the well-worn phrases? Professor Nash joins us to explain all!
Buzzkill Bookshelf
Ann Hagedorn, Savage Peace: Hope and Fear in America, 1919
Written with the sweep of an epic novel and grounded in extensive research into contemporary documents, Savage Peace is a striking portrait of American democracy under stress. It is the surprising story of America in the year 1919.
Posted in Myths