The Nuremberg Trials: Justice for Humanity?
Did the Nurenberg Trials provide justice for humanity after the horrors of World War II? In order to address this question, Professor Philip Nash explains what happened during the trials, how well they adhered to international law, how the judgements and sentences were reached, and how well and fairly the trials were conducted. It’s far more complicated than the traditional story has it. Episode 512.
Buzzkill Bookshelf:
Ann Tusa and John Tusa, Nuremberg Trial
A gripping account of the major postwar trial of the Nazi hierarchy in World War II. The Nuremberg Trial brilliantly recreates the trial proceedings and offers a reasoned, often profound examination of the processes that created international law. From the whimpering of Kaltenbrunner and Ribbentrop on the stand to the icy coolness of Goering, each participant is vividly drawn. Includes twenty-four photographs of the key players as well as extensive references, sources, biographies, and an index.